Fort lincoln cemetery plots for sale Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale Buy and Sell Exchange. Norbeck Cemetery Plots for sale; Server. This particular plot does have a by the cemetery and are part of the Lawn Crypt. Burial. Fort Lincoln Cemetery Plots 1-2-3, Lot C, Section 54, Block 3. Blog; FAQ; Advertise; Company Sell Cemetery Plot or Plots and Lots for Sale or Sell Burial Plots for Sale and Sell Grave Sites for Sale offers at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Brentwood, Maryland with pricing, Cemetery description and contact information. Buy 2 for $1699 each. The Garden of Reflections is located across from the 24 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $4Kea! Fort Lincoln Cemetery Brentwood, MD Asian Garden 20-0809-5. Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Historic Garden Mausoleum - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Brentwood (3) Clarksburg : Gan WANTED: Buyer looking for property at FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY in BRENTWOOD, MD Looking for 3 Double Depth Companion Grave Spaces (Interment for 6). Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Fort Lincoln Cemetery located in Brentwood, Maryland. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Oakwood Cemetery - Fort Worth, Texas Maryland Cemetery Burial Plots and Lots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale by Owner, listed by Maryland City and Cemetery. View resting places, research plots, search and filter. City: Brentwood State: MD Zip:20722 Price:$8500 DD Lawn Crypt, Mem Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot Description: Two burial spaces at Fort Lincoln. You can buy 1 or 2 or 3 Lots. $4,100. Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Mount Comfort Cemetery, National Memorial Park, Washington National Cemetery Current asking price for a Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Washington National Cemetery located in Suitland, Maryland. 2 Lots for sale, 5 plots per lot. 00/my price $4000. 00. Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Thursday, March 20th, 2025. This Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Brentwood, Maryland The Cemetery Registry from The Final Arrangements Network. Chartered in 1912 by an act of the Maryland General Assembly, the 176-acre property was historically significant long before it became a cemetery. Seller 2 burial plots available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $3,900 per plot and located in Garden of Acension 3286 Final Arrangements Planning for Funeral Home, Cemetery Burial and Cremation final arrangements Services including Cemetery Plots or Burial Plots for Sale and Grave Sites with Cemetery Lots for Sale or Buy Listings get advice for families dealing with Grief and Bereavement as well as Elder Care and Retirement issues. Rockville Cemetery Plots @ Washington National Cemetery double depth Maryland. $14,715. However, Our team at Fort Lincoln Cemetery is here for you. Type: Sell . 15% Broker Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot Description: Four burial spaces located in Block 21, Lot 401, Spaces 1,2,3 & 4. . or Best Offer. $2000 per plot or $9000 for an entire lot. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Glenwood Cemetery 2219 Lincoln Rd NE Oak Hill Cemetery 3001 R St NW Washington, District of Columbia 20007. Learn. Brentwood, MD Burial Plot/Grave Site for 2. $2,600. 5558: Its 2 nameservers are ns. Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd Omaha, Nebraska 68124. com database is updated daily. Grandview Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Fort Collins (1) Fort Collins : Resthaven Memory Gardens Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot: Description: Two burial spaces at Fort Lincoln. VIEW PHOTOS. Will sell 1 or all. $15,000 Fort Worth TX Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. Blog; FAQ; Sell Cemetery Plot or Plots and Lots for Sale or Sell Burial Plots for Sale and Sell Grave Sites for Sale offers at . Server Location: Liquid Web Inc. Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Cedar Hill Cemetery located in Suitland, Maryland. Worth TX Cemetery Plots Laurel Land Dallas. Carrollton Cemetary Plots Grove Hill Garden Of Prayer. Plese call 703 978 3355. City: Brentwood State: MD Zip:20722 Price:$795 ea. Lacey, a former computer salesman who answered a Fort Lincoln ad three years ago, is part of the door-to-door sales force of 17 men and three women who sell about 900 plots each year at the Cemetery Plot: $49 ad fee: Fort Bridger Cemetery Fort Bridger, WY: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $49 ad fee: Lovell Cemetery Lovell, WY: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: Cemetery Plot: $49 ad fee: South Lincoln Cemetery Kemmerer, WY: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $49 ad fee SHOWING ITEMS: 0 to 25: TOTAL ITEMS RETURNED: 11: Cemetery Plot; Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Washington, DC. $8,000. Rienzi Cemetery Association - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Fond Du Lac (1) Fort Atkinson Lincoln Memorial Cemetery plot, double crypt in Fort Lincoln, Brentwood, Md. The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service THE CEMETERY EXCHANGE LLC Hours of Operation - Monday thru Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 6800 South 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68512. It is located in the garden of a Apostles section. Smart, Direct Selling and Marketing to Buyers with Tremendous Savings on Final Arrangements Planning for Funeral Home, Cemetery Burial and Cremation final arrangements Services including Cemetery Plots or Burial Plots for Sale and Grave Sites with Cemetery Lots for Sale or Buy Listings get advice for families dealing with Grief and Bereavement as well as Elder Care and Retirement issues. Listing Specifications Fort Lincoln Cemetery - 3401 Bladensburg Rd, Brentwood, MD 20722. The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service Fort Lincoln Cemetery - 3401 Bladensburg Rd, Brentwood, MD 20722. Each of these deeded plots comes with "MARKER PRIVILEGES". Fort Lincoln Cemetery 4: Chaptico: Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery 1: Clinton: Resurrection Cemetery 2: Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 1: 3 Single burial plots at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Brentwood, MD. I would prefer to sell all four (4) plots in a single transaction and am providing a discount to facilitate the sale of all four but am willing to sell them individually or in multiples. Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Oregon, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. 95* for a Standard Registration and a $119. Opens in a new window or tab. Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Prince George's County, Maryland. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Bladensburg, Maryland 2 crypts available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $3,000 per plot and located in Crypt B. 00 Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Alabama, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. Row 6, in Patio V 2 burial plots available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $2,000 per plot and located in Section G, Lot 343, Sites 3-4 For Sale By Owner For Sale By Owner "cemetery" in Washington, DC - Maryland. 14th St. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Historic Garden Mausoleum - Bladensburg, Maryland Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Maryland, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. Priced at $10,900. Transfer of deeds must take place at Fort Lincoln Administrative Office. Two Cemetery Plots/Sites at National Memorial Park. Buy 3 for $1599 each. The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service THE CEMETERY EXCHANGE LLC Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST Site Information: Cemetery Name:Fort Lincoln - Block 21 Street: 3401 Bladensburg Rd. Online Final Arrangements Preplanning "Do It New Listing Cemetery plot for sale in Maryland; dbl depth/companion vault; bronze plaque . Dallas Tx Two burial plots side by side Hill Top Cemetery Carrollton, TX. A Lawn Crypt is a Vault). Cedar Hill Cemetery 4111 Pennsylvania Ave. Lincoln Memorial Cemetary 4001 Suitland Road Suitland, Maryland 20746 Buy and sell cemetery lots, burial plots, and mausoleums on Gravesolutions. Listing ID: 17-1106-2 Property Type: Mausoleum Crypt - Interior Quantity: (2) Side by Side - Companion This property verified as available as of 04/04/2019 Garden: General For Sale "cemetery" for sale in Washington, DC - Maryland. × Home; About Us Our 100% Sellers Guarantee Seller Rewards Program A Request to Owners of "Likely Not Use" Cemetery Property Cemetery Plots for Sale Seller Notes 2007 and 2006 Cemetery Plots for Sale Seller Notes 2005 and 2004 Cemetery Lots for Sale Buyers Lincoln Memorial Park Lincoln, NE: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $995 each 2 Spaces 15% Broker: Lincoln Memorial Park Lincoln, NE: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $6500 4 Spaces SHOWING ITEMS: 0 to 25: TOTAL ITEMS RETURNED: 31: Jump to Page 1 2 Please enter a search criteria below. Phone (301) 864-5090. THE CEMETERY EXCHANGE LLC Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Wisconsin, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. Suitland, MD Cemetery Plots @ Washington National Cemetery double depth Maryland. Fort Lincoln Cemetery Plots (4) $3,000. Two burial plots at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, in the Garden of the Good Shepherd, Block 24, Lot 1136, Sites 1 & 2, with Marker Privilege. George Washington Cemetery 7101 Sheriff Rd Hyattsville, Maryland 20785. 3401 Bladensburg Rd Brentwood, District of Columbia 20722. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Lincoln Memorial Park - THE CEMETERY EXCHANGE LLC Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST For Sale By Owner For Sale By Owner "cemetery plots" in Dallas / Fort Worth. Custom Estates. Brentwood, Maryland Fort Lincoln Cemetery Sites. Seller Price: $MAKE REASONABLE OFFER Please Call Seller Directly: 443-286-2725. $5,000. scan qr code for map and directions to cemetery. © 2025 - Cemetery Plots for Sale. Two pristine lawn crypts for sale in beautifully maintained Garden of Reflections at Ft Lincoln Cemetery. Brentwood, MD Fort Lincoln Cemetery Plots (4) $3,000. Fort Lincoln Cemetery 3401 Bladensburg Rd Brentwood, Maryland 20722 Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Indiana, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. S. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Fort Myers Memorial Gardens - Fort Myers, Florida Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Evergreen Cemetery located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 4 Sp. see also. I would prefer to sell all four (4) plots in a single transaction and am providing a Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot Description: Two burial spaces at Fort Lincoln. Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Historic Garden Mausoleum: Fort Lincoln Cemetery: Clarksburg: Gan Zikaron Memorial Park: Clinton: Resurrection Cemetery: Cockeysville lincoln cemetery - atlanta, georgia The Cemetery Registry from The Final Arrangements Network. Cemetery Plots - Fort Lincoln Cemetery. scenic, and historic Fort Lincoln Cemetery with marker privilege. Maryland National Memorial 13300 Baltimore Ave Rockville MD Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale . Brentwood, Maryland Cemetery Lots Parklawn Memorial Park and Menorah Gardens. Two Pristine Lawn Crypts for sale in the beautifully maintained Garden of Reflection at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 3 Cemetery Lots or Plots for Sale and Grave Sites with Burial Spaces for sale Buy and Sell Exchange at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Brentwood, Maryland. Bladensburg MD Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. $0. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Brentwood, Maryland Site Information: Cemetery Name:Fort Lincoln - Block 23 Street: 3401 Bladensburg Rd. Cemetery Lots and Burial Plots for Sale Sellers Assistance Program for Our Cemetery Plots for Sale Sellers and Buyers. Seller will pay Two burial plots at Fort Lincoln Cemetery located in the Garden of the Crucifix at the top of the largest hill in the cemetery. Sell Plot; Buy Plot; My Account; Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311. These plots are side by side and both are double depth so a family of four could be buried With buyers actively looking for the right cemetery property, your plot could be exactly what they're seeking. Odd Fellows Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Lebanon (1) Lincoln City : Pacific View Memorial Gardens General For Sale For Sale "cemetery plots" in Washington, DC. Brentwood, MD 2 Cemetery Plots King David Memorial/ Virginia 14,000. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Disclosure State or local law does not require that you buy a container to surround the casket in the grave. The current value of the spots are $4,495. Serious inquiries only. $2,000. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: lincoln cemetery - atlanta, georgia Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home & Cemetery located in Lincoln, Nebraska. Brentwood, Maryland Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in florida, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. Mountain View Memory Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Fort Payne (1) Gadsden : Lincoln Hill Memorial Lincoln Memorial Park - Lincoln, Nebraska The Cemetery Registry from The Final Arrangements Network. Fort Prince Memorial Gardens 125 Fort Prince Rd. o0! About this Cemetery Property This is a very exclusive cemetery plot. Fort Lincoln Cemetery 3401 Bladensburg Rd Brentwood, Maryland 20722. High Point For Sale By Owner For Sale By Owner "lincoln" in Washington, DC. 15% Broker: Fort Lincoln - Section G Brentwood, MD: Fort Lincoln Cemetery has a section of flat bronze markers mounted onto granite bases as well as a section for upright single headstones and double headstones. Current value is 9195 each-now selling for 995 each Three plots in Fort Lincoln Cemetery- $6,000 OBO Premier Mount Calvery Cemetery sites for sale at Fort Lincoln, Brentwood,MD; $3,000/ea or $5,500/both. Fort Myers Memorial Gardens - Fort Myers, Florida The Cemetery Registry from The Final Arrangements Network. Located in the Garden of Crucifixion, Block 18, Lot 1079 and 1080. 1 plot for sale in nice Pinebrae lot of Druid Ridge Cemetery! Full buirial service included: Opening/closing and outer burial container (vault). Ft. (bordering Washington, DC). 2 Sp. Featured Cemetery Property. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Fort Lincoln Cemetery 3401 Bladensburg Rd Brentwood, Maryland 20722. The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service Fort Lincoln Cemetery - 3401 Bladensburg Road, Brentwood, MD 20722. Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Friday, March 14th, 2025. See map and red 'X' for location. Address. Sell Plot; Buy Plot; Lincoln Memorial Park 2256 Cannons Campground Rd, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Fort Lincoln Cemetery Glenwood Cemetery 2219 Lincoln Rd NE Washington, District of Columbia 20002. Online Final Arrangements Preplanning "Do It Double Lawn Crypt (with two Burial Rights) for sale in historic Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Bladensburg, MD. Gravesolutions. Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in George Washington Cemetery located in Adelphi, Maryland. $14,000. 95 for the "Absolutely Private" Service. Located in Block 23, Companion Lawn Crypt #3344 with Bronze Memorial, Flower Vase on Granite Base. Buy 1 = $1799 each. Cemetery plots (8) side-by-side in beautiful section N of Washington National Cemetery. Last lot sold in the Preferred Chapel Section. These plots are located at the forefront, 2 adjoining lots in historic Ft. They are centrally located in Block 11, 4 Cemetery Plot/Grave Sites in Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Property For Sale - North Brentwood, Maryland | Facebook Marketplace Burial plot for sale in Fort Lincoln cemetery Brentwood Maryland In the Mount Calvary section Message for any questions The current going rate for that section is $15,000 Burial plot for sale in Fort Lincoln cemetery Brentwood Maryland - Miscellaneous - North Bethesda, Maryland | Facebook Marketplace Fort Lincoln Cemetery is a cemetery in Prince George's County, Capital Region, Maryland. Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Mount Comfort Cemetery, National Memorial Park, Washington National Cemetery Current asking price for a I have four (4) cemetery plots, all side-by-side, in Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Maryland. Crypt has 2 burial rights. Garden of Reflection is located across from the Historic Garden Mausoleum. Glenwood Cemetery 2219 Lincoln Rd NE Washington, District of Columbia 20002. View resting places, research plots, search and filter The Cemetery Registry Cemetery Burial Plots or Lots for Sale and Grave Sites for Sale with Burial Sites and Spaces for Sale Search by Cemetery, City, State or Province. Fort Lincoln Cemetery These plots currently sell for $15,000 a piece and it's rare to find open plots remaining in the old section of Cemetery Name:Fort Lincoln - Section Eye: Street: 3401 Bladensburg Rd. 00 (Negotiable) Features; Description; Location; Bids; Reviews; Related Ads; Description. Fort Lincoln Cemetery for sale from eBay, Craigslist, Letgo, OfferUp, Amazon,. Contact us at 866-754-6573 and mention code FLC-2021-3 if you have cemetery property you are willing to sell that meets this criteria. However, there are very few of these plots remaining in this area. plot is in the Garden of the Cruxifixction. $1,100. Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. It is hosted by Liquid Web Inc (Michigan, Lansing,) using Apache/2 web server. Suitland 2 burial plots available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Funeral Home Cemetery Dc listed for $1,000 per plot and located in Block 23, Garden of Apostles, lawn crypt 2724 Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Friday, March 14th, 2025. Site Information: Cemetery Name:FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY Street: 3401 Bladensburg Road City: Brentwood State: MD Zip:20722 Price:$5500 Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot Description: For Sale BURIAL DOUBLE DEEP PLOT/ FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY/MARYLAND/DC AREA. Calvary Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Fort Oglethorpe (1) Lincoln Memorial Cemetery - Cemetery and Search for cemetery plos for sale. City: Brentwood State: MD Zip:20722: Price:$995 each 12 Spaces Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot: Description: 12 lots for sale- available now-Section I Eye -just South of Chapel Section 4 adjacent lots and 8 adjacent lots. Brentwood, MD Cedar Hill Cemetery Plots. Asheboro NC Cemetery Plot Floral Garden. net | All rights reserved Contact Us; Privacy Policy; Terms Of Service; Featured Ads The U. Asking price $2,800 which includes a $150. Blog; FAQ; Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Harmony Memorial Park Cemetery located in Hyattsville, Maryland. Lee Memorial Park - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Fort Myers (3) Lincoln Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots Find used Fort Lincoln Cemetery for sale on eBay, Craigslist, Letgo, OfferUp, Amazon and others. Brand New. Lindenwood Cemetery - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Fort Wayne (9) Lincoln Memory Gardens - Cemetery and Arlington VA Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. I am using a broker to handle the sale so the Fort Lincoln Cemetery Plots for sale; norbeckcemeteryplots. Fort Lincoln Cemetery is situated nearby to the village Colmar Manor, as well as near the geographical marker Bladensburg Dueling Grounds. $1,000. All. Suitland, Md Fort Lincoln Cemetery Plots (4) $3,000. Our Cemetery Property. The owner is asking $795 for each space. Will accept 20% under list price. A family who wants to stay together may reserve an area of For Sale "cemetery" in Washington, DC - Maryland. The cemetery is located just outside of Washington, DC in Maryland. Brentwood, MD THE CEMETERY EXCHANGE LLC Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Fairview Cemetery located in Lincoln, Nebraska. Call 202-270-2753Ten burial spaces at Fort Lincoln. Compare 30 million ads · Find Fort Lincoln Cemetery faster ! 2 sunset hills cemetery plots cemetery lots four 16 burial plots cypress lawn cemetery plot. Location: Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Fort Prince Memorial Gardens located in Wellford, South Carolina. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature ID for the cemetery is 597419 (Fort Lincoln Cemetery). Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Gate of Heaven Cemetery located in Silver Spring, Maryland. Sell Plot; Fort Lincoln Cemetery 3401 Bladensburg Rd Brentwood, Maryland 20722. Sell Plot; Buy Plot; Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home & Cemetery 6800 S 14th St Lincoln, Nebraska 68512. Located in the Garden of the Cross. $2,500. Brentwood, Maryland 2012 Ford Lincoln MKZ – Runs Great! $5,000. com. $400. $3,000. Price is negotiable. For-sale-by-owner cemetery property listings. $8,995. Two side by side cemetery plots at Lincoln Memorial Funeral Park, 6800 So. com cemetery property in Fort Lincoln - Reflection located in Washington, 20722 Listing Price: $7500 2 Spaces My Account : We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale. $5,250. View resting places, research plots, search and filter Fort Lincoln Funeral Home & Cemetery. CURRENTLY THERE ARE NO MORE CRYPTS Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025. Filter By. Alexandria VA Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. , Lincoln, NE. A memorable, scenic, lovely and historic location to honor your loved ones. Suitland, Maryland 20746. Rookwood Vase E. Grave Solutions co-ops brokerage fee with 15% of the gross Fort Lincoln Cemetery is steeped in beauty, history and tradition. 00 - Or Best Offer! Cemetery lot(site) 10'x40"(big space) Each lot for One casket or 2 cremation vault. Rockville Washington National Cemetery Plots. Gallery + 11. Available for immediate use. $2,999. $5,250 Cemetery Plots - Fort Lincoln Cemetery. $7,500 Cemetery Plots - Fort Lincoln Cemetery. fort-lincoln. × Home; About Us Our 100% Sellers Guarantee Seller Rewards Program Cemetery Plots for Sale Seller Notes 2007 and 2006 Cemetery Plots for Sale Seller Notes 2005 and 2004 Cemetery Lots for Sale Buyers Alexandria VA Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. I have four (4) cemetery plots, all side-by-side, in Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Maryland. There are 5 contiguous plots per lot. These double plots are currently going for over $16,000 if you buy direct from the cemetery. Free shipping on many items Three plots in Fort Lincoln Cemetery- $6,000 OBO Premier Mount Calvery cemetery plots for sale in Buy this Gravesolutions. Cemetery sites for sale at Fort Lincoln, Brentwood,MD; $3,000/ea or $5,500/both. WHAT WE OFFER. Describe your cemetery property: Market price $5500. Cemetery Plots. According to the current cemetery administrators it has a retail value of $12,995. The Old Spring Lincoln Cemetery is located in Brentwood, MD along the Anacostia River. Fort Lincoln is the 8th ranked cemetery in AMERICA. Seller by the cemetery and are part of the Lawn Crypt. Fort Lincoln Cemetery; Brentwood, MD To List Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale Click for Printable Form So You Can Register Your Cemetery Plots by US Mail No Advertising, Commission or Renewal Fees Ever! There is a Data Processing charge of $99. We are familiar with the regulations of both sections, 1 plot for sale in nice Pinebrae lot of Druid Ridge Cemetery! Full buirial service included: Opening/closing and outer burial container (vault). Local Pickup. Nokesville Double Depth lawn crypt located in the sold out Garden of the Crucifixion in Fort Lincoln Cemetary Brentwood Maryland. Garden R, lot 216, spaces 1 & 2. The Cemetery Exchange the online source to buy and sell all types of cemetery plots burial spaces find death care information, products and services. Chapel Section which is sold out if buying through the cemetery. Hillcrest Memorial Gardens 14050 East Wade Hampton Boulevard Greer, South Carolina 29651. Westlawn Memorial Gardens 1200 Phippen Road Dania, Florida 33004. Current value through cemetery is $15,195. Brentwood Cemetery Lots Parklawn Memorial Park and Menorah Gardens. Site Information Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot: Description: 2 FOR 1: PRESTIGIOUS FORT LINCOLN Fort Lincoln Funeral Home 3401 BLADENSBURG RD BRENTWOOD, MD 20722 301-864-5090 | www. $900. Free local pickup. Arlington VA Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale. May 29, 2018; Views: 1005; $1,200. 00 or Get the best deals on Cemetery Plots when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Will sell Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Bladensburg, Maryland The Cemetery Registry from The Final Arrangements Network. Brentwood, Maryland Fort Lincoln Cemetery Plots (4) $3,000. Priced at Oakwood Cemetery - Fort Worth, Texas The Cemetery Registry from The Final Arrangements Network. N. St Joseph Catholic Cemetery 1: Fort Wayne: Lincoln Memory Gardens 1: List Your Cemetery Lots and Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Colorado, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. 3 Single burial plots at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Brentwood, MD. The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service 1-866-754-6573 Fort Lincoln Cemetery 3401 Bladensburg Road, Brentwood, MD 20722. Single Grave Space for Sale Fort Lincoln Cemetery – 3401 Bladensburg Rd, Brentwood, MD 20722 $4,500. Lincoln 1922. Sell faster through the Internet. The Garden of Reflections is located across from the historic Garden Mausoleum. Hyattsville, MD Cemetery Plots - Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Date: May 29, 2018 . Cremation. Buy for thousands less than at local cemeteries. I am using a broker to handle the sale so the Rockville MD Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale . $9,900/firm. Current market value $10,095. The cemetery list price for these spaces is about $2500 for each space and the owner is asking $2000 for each space or $3800 for both spaces. Religious Affiliation Non-Denominational. Lincoln Cemetery's Masonic Garden. 00 OBO. I am using a broker to handle the sale so the 5 Cemetery Plots For Sale 3,000 Each as a Group. Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Sunday, March 16th, 2025. Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025. Very tranquil, scenic, well maintained area in the Garden Of Everlasting Love. 00 transfer fee. 15% Broker: Fort Lincoln - Section G Brentwood, MD: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $950 One Sp. Located in the beautiful Garden of Crucifixion. 3 Cemetery and Burial Plots for sale in Fort Lincoln Funeral Home & Cemetery located in Brentwood, District of Columbia. Lincoln Cemetery Lots (4) $1,234. Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot: Description: Ten burial spaces at Fort Lincoln. com, the national database of cemetery property. 7327, -84. Cemetery Lots and Burial Plots for Sale Buyers are Looking For In: Fort Lincoln Cemetery Brentwood, Maryland. Cemetery Lots and Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites with Burial Sites for Sale Buyer Request Information for; Silver Spring MD Buy Sell Plots Lots Graves Burial Spaces Crypts Niches Cemetery Property for Sale . com These prices are effective as of March 11, 2025, but are subject to change without notice. Suitland Fort Lincoln Cemetary Plots in Brentwood Md , 5 plots total located in Chapel M lots 1-5 with marker privilege buyer responsible for transferring title seller will meet to transfer title cemetery charges $295 for this click on map for directions to cemetery. 1 mausoleum available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $10,000 per plot and located in Gazebo mausoleum 105 A-7 Maryland; Prince George's County; Fort Lincoln Cemetery; Available Listing; $10,000 mausoleum in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Daniel Morgan Memorial Gardens General For Sale For Sale By Owner "lincoln" in Washington, DC. Cemetery Plots for Sale as of: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. Fort Worth Cemetery Plots. Greenlawn Memorial Gardens 1300 Fernwood Glendale Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307. Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale in easy to find listing for: Fort Lincoln Cemetery - Historic Garden Mausoleum - Brentwood, Maryland 6 family plots available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $2,000 per plot and located in Block 16, Lot 715 Two burial plots at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, in the Garden of the Good Shepherd, Block 24, Lot 1136, Sites 1 & 2, with Marker Privilege. com, and ns2. Wellford, South Carolina 29385. 0 bids. Michigan Lansing United States 42. Ft Lincoln Cemetery is an historic, serene cemetery located on the DC/MD line. c. Lincoln Cemetery Plots for Sale or Grave Sites for Sale and Cemetery Lots with Burial Plots for Sale in Georgia, also Mausoleum Crypts or Niches including Caskets and Vaults with Memorials plus Grave Stones and Monuments for Sale. yournethost. Hollywood Memorial Gardens 6301 Taft St Alcoa : Sherwood Memorial Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Alcoa (8) : Athens : McMinn Memory Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Athens (1) : Bartlett : Memphis Memory Hill Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale: Bartlett (4) : Benton : Benton Memorial Gardens - Cemetery and Burial Plots for Sale Cemetery Name:Fort Lincoln Cemetery : Street: 3401 Bladensburg Rd City: Brentwood State: MD Zip:20722: Price:$8000 Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot: Description: Cemetery plot for sale. 4 burial plots available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $4,900 per plot and located in Masonic Section lot 1690 - 2 plots and lot 1691 - 2 plots beautiful location 2 burial plots available for sale by owner in Fort Lincoln Cemetery listed for $3,400 per plot and located in Section L, Lot 290, Sites 1,2 We are offering two premium Fort Lincoln Cemetery 2 plots for sale, situated in a prime location just 50 yards from the entrance of the main building. $12,999. Calvary Cemetery 7710 W Center Rd Cemetery plots (2) for sale at Parklawn Memorial Park. Fort Lincoln Cemetery These plots currently sell for $15,000 a piece and it's rare to find open plots remaining in the old section of the cemetery. The cemetery is located on the eastern corner of the intersection of Bladensburg 3 Cemetery Plots for Sale in beautiful Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Choose a state Cemetery Plot: $2495 one space: Fort Lincoln - Section G Brentwood, MD: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $950 one space: Fort Lincoln - Section G Brentwood, MD: PRIVATE: Cemetery Plot: $995 ea. Brentwood, MD Lawn Crypt, Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Brentwood, MD Cemetery Plot. Selling for $2,350. Current list price: $9,195 Asking Price $8,000.
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